CUSAGC Marathon 2024


Marathon is Cambridge University Scouts and Guides Club (CUSAGC)’s annual day/night incident hike for members of the Scouting, Girlguiding and Student Scout and Guides Organissation (SSAGO) aged 14 and over (that includes leaders!).

This year’s event is taking place on Saturday 16 November. Previously this event has been held within the Cambridge area.

The challenge is for teams of 4-7 to gain points by visiting as many as possible of 26 checkpoints in 9 hours, over about a 70 sq. km area.

Teams are given grid references for the checkpoints and must choose their own route. The majority of checkpoints are unmanned, but teams can gain more point at manned checkpoints where there are further challenges to complete.

There are 3 trophies available to be won for the highest scoring teams: 1 for under-18 Scouting teams, 1 for under-18 Girlguiding teams and 1 for teams with members over 18 years of age. However, the number of checkpoints you visit is up to you, so it can just be a stroll in the countryside and opportunity for a pub lunch!

This makes Marathon Challenge suitable for all levels of ability. Due to the distance covered, time needed to complete challenges at manned checkpoints, and the fact that some navigation may be in the dark, only the very best teams will manage to visit all 26 checkpoints.

Find out more about this event on the CUSAGC Marathon website

Please contact the event organisers with any queries on [email protected].

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Hertfordshire is a wonderful guiding County of over 9,000 members. Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers, and volunteers who enable every young member to develop their potential and be their best.