Membership System Updates 2024

April 2024

Old leadership qualification (LQ) roles to be deactivated

Please be aware that leader in training roles will be being deactivated from 12 April, and the volunteer given a unit helper role, if they were originally following the old LQ course and are not now enrolled on the newer leader development programme (LDP) course.

LQ mentor and LQ coordinator roles will also be deactivated from this date if not done already. This does not affect LDP mentor roles.

New process for returning leaders

From 12 April, there will be a new process for returning leaders after 3+ years. Once the learning identified by a mentor (changing section training, programme update, leader top-up e-learning etc.) has been completed, commissioners add the new ‘Returning leader after 3+ years’ course on GO to reinstate a person’s leader role.

Commissioner training

If any commissioners would like to have a one-to-one (or two where roles are joint) GO training please contact the county membership systems coordinator on [email protected]. Please give suggestions as to the best days/times for you.

February 2024

Email Membership Systems for support on [email protected] only.

Commissioner Training

If any commissioners would like to have a one-to-one (or two where roles are joint) GO training please contact Sheila on membership@girlguiding