Organising 1st response courses

by county training administration lead vounteer

If you are looking to arrange a 1st response course for your district or division, either a 1 x 6 hour full day training or a 2 x 3 hour training, please follow the procedure as set out below.

  1. Training organiser to contact the county training administration lead volunteer a minimum of 3 months before the training is required by completing the online booking form.
  2. Before completing the online booking form, ensure you have a date (or dates if over two nights, both nights must be attended) and a venue address.
  3. Confirmation of who the training is booked with will be given to the training organiser, along with a reference number, once confirmed.
  4. In the unlikely event that we are unable to support the training request with a Girlguiding 1st response trainer, we will confirm details of the external company.
  5. 8 weeks prior to the training the following details need to be supplied to the county administration lead volunteer, via the online training attendees’ details form:
    1. Full name of volunteers attending
    2. GO numbers for each volunteer
    3. Division / district
    4. Confirmation that attendees have been advised that the mandatory 1st response elearning element of this training must be completed via the learning platform and showing on their GO record before the external first aid/1st response course can be added to their GO record.
  6. Confirmation of those who attended must be sent via the trainer to the county admin team via [email protected], who will update each attendees GO record when the elearning element has been completed.

Please note the following important details

  1. A minimum of 12 attendees is required. County can advertise your training to other members in the county, with bookings available via Eventbrite, if you are unable to reach these numbers. Once a training is advertised on Eventbrite all bookings must be made via the Eventbrite system.
  2. Cost per attendee will be £20 to be paid by BACS to:
    Girlguiding Hertfordshire
    Sort code: 40-52-40
    Account number: 00013524
    Ref: GO number + initials of lead volunteer booking the course
  3. Cost of venue (if applicable i.e., division or district are not covering this out of funds) will be paid by Girlguiding Hertfordshire on production of an invoice, emailed to the county treasurer on [email protected]) after the training event. The cost of this will be covered by the attendees attending.

Please contact [email protected] with any queries.

Booking form Training attendee details form

About Girlguiding Hertfordshire

Hertfordshire is a wonderful guiding County of over 9,000 members. Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers, and volunteers who enable every young member to develop their potential and be their best.

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